Tom Milthorpe

Web Developer, Engineer, Problem Solver


Hello! I'm Tom Milthorpe, a dedicated Full-Stack Web Developer proficient in a broad range of technologies, including but not limited to Next.js React, Node.js, JavaScript, Typescript, Python, MySQL, MongoDB, Postgres, R, and Github. With my engineering background and a diverse set of skills gained from numerous comprehensive web development and data science courses, I confidently approach technical web development projects.As a problem solver at heart, I have developed a diverse portfolio of projects, from a data-collating R application for ecologists, a React-based collaborative story-writing website, to a Next.js based story marking application. Regardless of the task at hand, my approach is centred around simplicity, economy, and first principles thinking. I focus on identifying core issues and optimizing resources for the most efficient and effective solutions.Having served various sectors like the carbon farming industry, horticulture, and the residential sector, I am adaptable, versatile and have a deep understanding of business needs. I believe in staying updated with the latest trends and innovations, a commitment I fulfill by regularly exploring GitHub and evaluating the potential value of new skills.Facing setbacks and challenges with a learning-oriented mindset, I see every obstacle as an opportunity to refine my skills and improve future outcomes. I offer a wide range of services, from backend development and business automation to website building and application development.I'm excited to help you bring your digital projects to life. Get in touch with me via email at [email protected] to discuss how we can create something remarkable together.


StoryMark Web Application

StoryMark is a SAAS app that enables students, teachers and NAPLAN markers to mark students work fast and effectively. Users can purchase 'marking credits' after sign up, to be used to mark submitted stories. Built using Next.js, vercel, supabase, postgres, stripe, and the OpenAI api.

StoryFork Web Application

StoryFork is a web app that enables authors to write stories collaboratively. Built using nodejs and mongodb as the backend, and React as the frontend framework. Hosted on Heroku. I use SEO effectively to rank #1 for a search of story fork on google. StoryFork has over a hundred users and over 120 story 'forks'.

Pizza Catering Website

A simple website for a wood fired pizza catering business based in regional NSW.


  • Website Building I will assess your requirements and choose the right platform for your web development needs. From simple landing pages on to multipage sites with Squarespace.

  • Search Engine Optimisation I will help you identify keywords to target potential customers and implement a solution for your website.

  • Complex Websites / Application Development If you are looking for a custom website that involves more user interactivity and data exchange, I can help you develop a solution.

  • API Development If you're looking to enable your customers to build their own integrations with your product. Specialising in nodejs and express.

  • Business Automation I can help develop custom webhooks for your business, or help you connect your various services, using plug and play 3rd party services such as Zapier, to custom applications.

Get in touch

Want to find out more? Send me an email, or use the form below to get in touch.